KL25164 -
Cannular Fully Automatic - Single Lane
Last Updated 1/07/2022 9:44 AM
Automatic Can seam testing (Using water)
Adjust the fill amount in the Parameter Settings to what your fill level will be, and your
maximum volume. E.g., We filled 315mL, with 330mL being the max can value.
The water can come from a pressurised keg or from a tap.
If you have adjusted from a 500mL Can you will need to increase the Timer Settings of the first
Can Raise Delay or else the First Operation roller will start to engage before the can is fully engaged
with the chuck.
This is crucial to setting up the Cannular system.
If you are not familiar with the functions of these Timers, it is best to take note of the default values
and adjust the
setting you’re not familiar with up by to 10 seconds
and run a can through. This will
then help you get a better understanding of what that timer function does.