CP 503/A, CP 505/A,D,K, CP 507/
Operating behavior
Project engineering manual V1.06
© KEBA 2021
Displayed state
(continue with short key press)
(execute with long key press)
Perform software update
No software updates available. The
operation must be confirmed by a
long key press.
Number of available software up-
dates found. The update process
must be started by a long key-
stroke. The process may take some
Error during the update process
(e.g. USB stick not found, directory
incorrect, etc.). The error must be
confirmed by a long keystroke.
Displayed state
(continue with short key press)
(execute with long key press)
Controller is in RUN state.
Go to action: stop controller
Stop controller
The controller goes to STOP state.
Stop controller
The controller is stopped.
Trigger reboot
A restart is performed.
Reboot controller
A reboot of the controller is per-
IP-Show address
The IP address is displayed 3 times
in a row and each digit for 1 s.
Write status report
The status report is written.
Write SysStatus report
The SysStatus report is written.
Copy crash report
The crash report is copied to the
root directory of the plugged USB
stick. The process may take some
Error while copying data (e.g. USB
stick removed during copying, no
space left on USB stick, etc.). The
error must be confirmed by a long