CP 503/A, CP 505/A,D,K, CP 507/
Operating behavior
Project engineering manual V1.06
© KEBA 2021
Displayed state
(continue with short key press)
(execute with long key press)
Copy crash report
The crash report is copied to the
root directory of the plugged USB
stick. The process may take some
Error while copying data (e.g. USB
stick removed during copying, no
space left on USB stick, etc.). The
error must be confirmed by a long
Copy last status report
The last status report is copied to
the root directory of the plugged
USB stick. The process may take
some time.
Error while copying data (e.g. USB
stick removed during copying, no
space left on USB stick, etc.). The
error must be confirmed by a long
Copy last SysStatus report
The last SysStatusreport is copied
to the root directory of the plugged
USB stick. The process may take
some time.
Error while copying data (e.g. USB
stick removed during copying, no
space left on USB stick, etc.). The
error must be confirmed by a long
To exit the menu of the 7-segment display without action, the CTRL key
must not be pressed for 10 s. After that, the main operating state is dis-
Example "Delete Retain Data":
The "Delete Retain Data" function can only be triggered in the main Os-
Ready operating state.
To do this, proceed as follows:
1) Cycle through the functions with short keystrokes until "c" is displayed
on the diagnostics display.
2) Start deleting the retaining data with a long keystroke.
After deleting the reatain data, the system automatically returns to the main
operating state.