Incision, excision
Incision for draining abscesses.
Frenectomy, incision of cheek liga‐
Excision of fibromas, flap fibromas,
Gingivectomy for gingiva hyperpla‐
sias or excision of hyperplasias.
Preprosthetic surgery: Alveolar flab‐
by ridge, vestibuloplasty, implant
exposure, hyperplasia, epulides,
papillomas, fibromatosis, benign
Malignant tumours, obligate pre‐
cancerous tumours, hemangiomas
(According to the present state of
Ablation of diseases of the oral mu‐
cosa covering flat areas
Simple mucosal diseases such as
Leukoplakia simplex, idiopathic leu‐
koplakia, Lichen ruber planus, hy‐
perkeratosis and aphthae.
Malignant tumours, obligate pre‐
cancerous tumours, hemangiomas
(according to the present state of
Implant exposure
Exposure of the implant post after
transgingival or subgingival healing
in the alveolus by excision or inci‐
sion of the mucosal hood in two-
phase implants. The implant coping
(of plastic, metal or ceramic) should
completely cover the implant post.
None known.
Fibroma excision
Pediculate fibromas, broad-based
fibromas or flap fibromas on soft/
hard gums, cheek mucosa, lips,
tongue margin or tongue base and
gingiva, hyperplasias, including
epulis, Granuloma teleangiectati‐
None known.
Correction of high-inserted lip,
tongue and cheek ligaments that
extend too far into the alveolar ridge
or the marginal gingiva and thereby
impair function, phonetics, the seat
of the prosthesis, et cetera.
None known.
Root tip resection
Root tip resection of teeth with per‐
iapical lesions on which prior endo‐
dontic treatment was unsuccessful,
or in which a revision is not recom‐
mendable (such as large cysts or a
large prosthetic restoration).
Use of the KEY Lasers 3+ / III up‐
graded for opening the bone win‐
dow and for root tip resection.
As usual (particularly in regard to
systemic diseases). Close to an in‐
ferior nerve canal.
Poor accessibility.
Root canals that are provided with
metal pins extending to the apex.
Removal of subgingival concre‐
ments in periodontal pockets with
periodontitis with closed or open
None known.
Curettage with detection
Removal of subgingival concre‐
ments on subgingival root surfaces
with periodontitis with closed door
open curettage including the detec‐
tion function of the KEY Lasers 3+ /
III upgraded.
None known.
Instructions for use KEY Laser 3+ 1343 KEY Laser III 1243 upgraded
1 User instructions | 1.2 Purpose – Proper use