CAUTION: Always store your pressure washer in a
location where the temperature will not fall below
32°F (0°C). The pump in this machine is susceptible
to permanent damage if frozen.
ATTENTION:Toujours entreposer la laveuse à
pression dans un endroit où la température ne sera
pas inférieure à 32° F (0° C). La pompe sur cette
machine est susceptible de subir des dommages si
elle est exposée au gel.
1. Stop the pressure washer, squeeze spray gun
trigger to release pressure.
2. Detach water supply hose and high pressure hose.
3. Turn on the machine for a few seconds, until
remaining water exits. Turn motor off immediately.
4. Drain the fuel from the fuel tank.
5. Do not allow high pressure hose to become kinked.
6. Store the machine and accessories in a room
which does not reach freezing temperatures.
CAUTION: Failure to follow the above directions
will result in damage to your pressure washer.
ATTENTION : Le non-respect des instructions ci-
dessus entraînera des dommages à votre nettoyeur
haute pression.
When the pressure washer is not being operated or is
being stored for more than one month, follow these
1. 1.Replenish pump oil to upper level.
2. 2.Drain fuel from fuel tank, fuel line and filter.
3. 3.Cover the pressure washer and store in a clean,
dry place that is well ventilated away from open
flame or sparks.
After Extended Storage
CAUTION: Prior to restarting, thaw out any
possible ice from pressure washer hoses, spray
gun or wand.
ATTENTION : Avant de redémarrer, dégelez toute
glace éventuelle des tuyaux de nettoyeur haute
pression, du pistolet pulvérisateur ou de la lance.
Drain Plug
Karcher HDS 3.5/40 GE MT Operator’s Manual 9.807-942.0 - C