Kaspersky Anti-Virus allows receiving reports about the results of the anti-virus
traffic scan.
Reports contain information registered during a certain period of time and
provide information about:
general scan results
the total number of scanned objects:
the total size of all scanned objects (in bytes);
malicious objects detected;
sources of infected objects;
performance data of the anti-virus scan:
average processing speed (number of objects per second);
average processing speed (bytes per second);
the maximum scan speed achieved.
Reports are created automatically in accordance with the schedule or by request
and are saved as
pages in the reports storage folder. The filename reflects
the date and the time when the report was created in the following format
. Kaspersky Anti-Virus provides a possibility to
configure notifications about the results of report creation (see Chapter 12 on
page 110).
The default storage location for the reports is the
folder. This folder is
located in the application's data folder. Any other folder selected by the
administrator can be used to store reports (see section 9.2, page 92). The period
for the reports storage on the server and the reports storage folder size are not
limited. Reports are deleted manually using the file system.
Reports are viewed using the default system browser (see section 9.3, page 95).
Reports are created based on the
report templates
created by the
administrator. The following is specified in the template: the reporting period,
report creation schedule and the folder to store the report.
Report templates are stored in the
Report templates
service folder. This folder
is included into the structure of each node reflecting the monitored server.
The list of the report templates created is displayed in the form of a table in the
results pane (see Figure 33).