This chapter is devoted to questions most frequently asked by users regarding
the installation, setup, and operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. We will try to
answer them here in detail.
Question: Can Kaspersky Anti-Virus be used with other vendors’ anti-
virus software?
In order to avoid conflicts we recommend that you remove any third-
party anti-virus software before you install Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
Question: Why does Kaspersky Anti-Virus cause a certain decrease in
my computer performance and impose a considerable load on the
The process of virus detection is a computational (mathematical) task
that involves analysis of structures, checksum calculation and mathe-
matical data transformation. Therefore, the main resource consumed by
the anti-virus software is the processor time. Moreover, each new virus
added into the anti-virus database adds to the overall scanning time.
Unlike other anti-virus software vendors that try to reduce the overall
scan time by excluding from their databases viruses that are less easily
detectable or less frequent (in the particular geographic location) and
file formats that require more complicated analysis (e.g. PDF files),
Kaspersky Lab believes that the purpose of an anti-virus program is to
deliver to its users a genuine anti-virus security.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus allows experienced users to accelerate the anti-
virus scanning process by the way of disabling scanning of various file
types. However, note that this lowers the security level.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus can detect over 700 formats of archived and com-
pressed files. This is very important for the anti-virus security as each of
detectable file formats may contain executable malicious code.
Question: Why do I need a license key? Will my Anti-Virus work without
Kaspersky Anti-Virus will not work without a license key.
If you are still undecided whether or not to purchase Kaspersky Anti-
Virus, we can provide you with a temporary key file (trial key), which will