License keys
about the expiration date of the currently installed license key. Notification period
can be changed (see section 11.3 on page 107).
Kaspersky Anti-Virus settings also provide for a possibility to configure
notifications of the forthcoming expiration of the license and restrictions of the
application's functionality (see Chapter 12 on page 110).
We recommend that you timely renew your license for using Kaspersky Anti-
Kaspersky Lab Ltd. periodically announces campaigns that allow you to
enjoy considerable discounts when you renew your license for the use
of our products. In order to keep informed about such offers visit
Kaspersky Lab's corporate website and go to
Sales and
special offers
In order to renew your license you have to purchase and install a new
license key for your Kaspersky Anti-Virus application. In order to do
Contact the dealer you originally purchased the product from and
buy a new license key for the use of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for
Check Point
Purchase a new license key directly from Kaspersky Labs. In order
to do this, send a request directly to the Sales Department of our
company (
) or fill in a form at our website
). Upon the receipt of your payment, we
will send a new license key to the e-mail address specified in your
Install the license key (see section 11.4, page 107).
You can install two keys: one current key and one backup key. The
current key is the active key that you are using. The application cannot
use more than one current key. The backup license key will be auto-
matically activated upon the expiry of the current key.
In some cases, as, for example, if the sales contract was terminated or if the
license agreement restrictions were changed, Kaspersky Labs terminates the
license agreement with the user. In this case the serial number of the license key
will be added to the list of cancelled license keys, the so-called "black list".
If your current license key is found in the “black list”, the backup key will not be
activated and the application functionality will not be available except for the
management and the anti-virus database updating services.