Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Check Point
Step 4. Selecting application components to be installed
If you selected the custom installation option, specify application components to
be installed on your computer. You can also change the default folder into which
they will be installed.
You can select either both components or only the Administration console to be
installed. The Security server will not be installed without the Console.
By default, you will be offered to install both components (the Security Server
and the Management Console) into the Program files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky
Anti-Virus for Check Point
Firewall folder. If this folder does not exist, it will be
created automatically. You can change the installation folder using the Browse
If your system does not comply with the minimum hardware or software
requirements for the installation of the Security Server, you will be of-
fered to install only the Management Console.
Note that the setup wizard will display reference information about the selected
component and the disk space required for its installation.
Step 5. Selecting the data folder
During the installation of the Security Server, the setup wizard will create service
folders and databases required for the application to work. These folders and
databases include:
temporary files and backup storage folders;
folder to store the anti-virus database used by the application;
reports storage folder;
logs storage folders;
backup storage database;
report statistics database.
The data folder must be excluded from the scan scope of any anti-virus
applications installed on your computer.
Specify the folder to store the service data. By default you will be offered to
create folder
Program files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Check
. You can change the path to the folder using the
After the application is installed, you will be able to change the path to the data
folder using the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Management Console, in the anti-virus
protection settings window (the
tab of the
Anti-Virus protection
window). The new value will apply at the Security Server restart.