Preparing to use Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Lotus Notes/Domino
Figure 4. Database selection
5. In
list select the directory on the server where
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Lotus Notes/Domino
is installed. In
this directory select the name of the database to open. You must
successively open the following databases:
Kaspersky AntiVirus for Lotus/Notes Control Centre
Configuration database
Kaspersky AntiVirus for Lotus/Notes Capture
Check-up database
Kaspersky AntiVirus for Lotus/Notes Quarantined Database
Quarantine database.
If you start Lotus Notes client on the server on which Kaspersky Anti-
for Lotus Notes/Domino is installed, then the dialog window
Choose Servers to Search
will open when you attempt to open the
configuration database. In this window, you will be prompted to select
the server on which to search the database. Highlight the name of the
server on which the program is installed and click