➤ Do not open the body while the machine is switched on.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.
➤ Use only spare parts approved by KAESER for use in this machine.
➤ Carry out regular inspections:
■ for visible damage and leakage,
■ of safety devices,
■ of the EMERGENCY STOP push button,
■ of parts needing monitoring.
➤ Pay particular attention to cleanliness during all maintenance and repair work. Cover compo‐
nents and openings with clean cloths, paper, or tape to keep them clean.
➤ Do not leave any loose components, tools, or cleaning rags on or in the machine.
➤ Components removed from the machine can still be dangerous:
Do not attempt to open or destroy any components taken from the machine.
➤ Use only suitable compressed air hoses.
Compressed air hoses must meet the following requirements:
■ that are of the right type and size for the highest permissible machine working pressure,
■ that are not damaged, worn or of reduced quality,
■ that have hose couplings and connections of the right type and size.
➤ Make sure compressed air hoses are depressurized before disconnecting from the machine.
➤ Secure the open end of an air hose before applying air pressure. An unsecured hose may whip
and cause injury.
➤ At working pressures>100 psi, compressed air hoses should be secured by a cable to their re‐
spective outlet valves. Parking the compressor
Improper parking and use of the parked machine endangers personnel and material.
➤ Select an even surface for parking.
➤ Use a coupled towing vehicle to move the machine into position.
➤ Place chocks under the wheels.
➤ Pull on the parking brake.
➤ Loosen the lighting and signaling system.
➤ Detach the breakaway cable / safety chain.
➤ Lower the prop stand / wind down the jockey wheel.
➤ Uncouple the compressor.
➤ Ensure that the machine is properly separated from the towing vehicle.
➤ Remove the towing vehicle from the machine.
➤ Nobody must enter the parked machine or, in particular, its chassis.
➤ Nobody must sit on the parked machine or, in particular, its towing mechanism. De-commissioning, storage, disposal
Improper handling of old operating fluids and components represents a danger for the environ‐
Safety and Responsibility
Operator Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_9547 13 USE