5. Clean the filter element:
■ by tapping to remove course dirt
─ some taps of the face side with the heel of the hand
■ by blowing out (as required)
─ Use dry compressed air (≤ 5 bar) at an angle to blow dirt from the element from inside
to outside.
6. Clean the sealing faces.
7. Insert the element in the housing.
8. Place the filter cap on the housing and press home.
9. Make sure the dust evacuator valve is at the bottom.
10. Press on the cap until the spring retaining flaps snap home.
11. Check that:
■ the filter cap is properly seated,
■ both spring retaining flaps are secure,
■ the dust evacuator valve is at the bottom.
Resetting the maintenance indicator:
➤ Press the maintenance indicator reset knob
a number of times.
The yellow piston within the indicator is reset and the maintenance indicator is ready for use
10.3.3 Fuel system maintenance
Material Spares
Cleaning cloth
Precondition The machine is shut down.
The machine is standing level.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 bar.
Machine is cooled down.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
The negative cable to the battery is disconnected!
Danger of fire from spontaneous ignition of fuel!
Serious injury or death could result from the ignition and combustion of fuel.
➤ Allow no open flames or sparks at the place of use.
➤ Stop the engine.
➤ Wipe up escaped fuel.
➤ Keep fuel away from hot machine parts.
➤ Ensure that the maximum ambient temperature is not exceeded at the place of use.
10 Maintenance
10.3 Engine
No.: 9_9432 02 E
Service Manual Screw Compressor
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