See chapter Confirmed?
➤ Canopy closed and all panels in place?
➤ Are the tyre pressures OK?
Engine SM = engine manufacturer's service manual.
Tab. 43 Installation and operating conditions checklist
7.4 After storing the machine for a long period
➤ Carry out the following before every re-commissioning after a long period of storage.
period longer
5 months
➤ Remove the desiccant from the openings in the air intake filters of the engine
and compressor.
➤ Check the air and oil filters.
➤ Drain the preserving oil from the separator tank.
➤ Fill with compressor oil.
➤ Drain the preserving oil from the engine.
➤ Fill up with engine oil.
➤ Check the engine coolant
➤ Check the battery charge.
➤ Re-connect the battery.
➤ Check all fuel lines, engine oil lines and compressor oil lines for leaks, loose
connections, wear and damage.
➤ Clean the bodywork with a grease and dirt cleansing agent.
➤ Check the tyre pressures.
36 months
➤ Have the overall technical condition checked by an authorized KAESER Ser‐
vice Technician.
Tab. 44 Measures for re-commissioning the compressor after a long period of storage
7.5 Low-temperature operation (winter)
The machine's electrical equipment is designed for starting at ambient temperatures as low as
−10 °C.
➤ At temperatures below 0 °C use:
■ winter-grade engine oil,
■ low viscosity compressor oil
■ winter-grade diesel fuel
Use air hoses that are as short as possible under extremely cold conditions.
Initial Start-up
After storing the machine for a long period
No.: 9_9432 02 E
Service Manual Screw Compressor
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