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Installation Instructions Powador 1501xi/2501xi*/3501xi/4501xi/5001xi**_EN
5.3 Protection concepts
The following monitoring and protective functions are inte-
grated into Powador inverters:
BISI grid monitoring in order to protect the operator and to
avoid islanding
Overvoltage conductors/varistors to protect the power semi-
conductors from high-energy transients on the grid side
Temperature monitoring of the heat sink
EMC fi lters to protect the inverter from high-frequency line
Grid-side varistors to earth to protect the inverter against
burst and surge pulses.
6 Installation and Start-up
6.1 Selecting an appropriate place for
Nevertheless, the units should be installed in areas that are as
dry as possible in order to extend their service life. In addition,
ensure that the units are installed in climate-controlled areas
in order to protect them from overheating. This also extends
their service life.
When selecting the inverter’s place of installation, attention
should be paid to the following items:
Ensure good access to the unit for installation or any service
work that may later be required
Maintain the following minimum clearances around the
200 mm side clearance to other units
700 mm clearance to other stacked units
500 mm to cabinets, ceilings, etc.
The unit is designed for vertical wall installation
Air must be allowed to circulate freely around the housing
and through the heat sink on the rear side
S e c t i o n 5 ·
D e v i c e D e s c r i p t i o n
S e c t i o n 6 ·
I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S t a r t - u p
Risk of fatal injury from fi re or explosions. The
Powador’s housing may become hot during opera-
tion. Therefore:
Do not mount the Powador on fl ammable mate-
Do not install the Powador in areas which con-
tain highly fl ammable materials.
Do not install the Powador in areas where there
is a risk of explosion.
Risk of burns from hot housing components.
Install the Powador so that unintentional contact
with it is not possible.
Powador inverters meet the requirements of protection
class IP54 if all cable feedthroughs are used or suitably
closed off.