Power Consumption
Power Rail
Standby Current (mA)
Full Load (mA)
+3.3 V
+12 V
1.4 Software Support
JYTEK provides versatile software drivers and packages to suit various user approaches to
building a system. Aside from programming libraries, such as DLLs, for most Windows-based
systems, JYTEK also provides drivers for other application environments.
1�4�1 SDK
For customers who want to write their own programs, JYTEK provides the following software
development kits.
• .NET driver for Windows, compatible with various application environments, such as
C#, VB.NET, VC.NET, VB/VC++, BCB, and Delphi
1�4�2 DSA-DASK
DSA-DASK includes device drivers and DLL for Windows XP/7/8. DLL is binary compatible
across Windows XP/7/8. This means all applications developed with DSA-DASK are
compatible with these Windows operating systems. The development environment may be
VB, VB.NET, VC++, BCB, and Delphi, or any Windows programming language that allows
calls to a DLL. The DSA-DASK user and function reference manuals are on the JYTEK website