Art. No. 5071 TSM
Art. No. 5072 TSM
Art. No. 5073 TSM
Art. No. 5074 TSM
4.2.4 Functional description General settings Operation concept and button evaluation
In the ETS, the change-over between rocker and button operation takes place on the "Operation
concept" parameter page. The "Operation concept..." parameters specify for each control
surface whether the opposing buttons are combined into a common rocker function, or are
evaluated as two separate pushbutton functions.
The additional parameter pages and the communication objects of the rockers or buttons are
then also created and adapted depending on the setting parameterized here.
Pressing several rockers or buttons at the same time will be considered as a wrong
The functions of the individual rockers or buttons are set on the parameter pages "Rocker
switch ... (buttons ...)" or "Button ...".
Button pair as rocker function
For rocker functions, the opposing buttons affect the communication objects together. As a rule,
actuation of the two buttons then result in directly opposite information (e.g. switching: ON -
OFF / blind: UP - DOWN). When a button is pressed, the commands should be made
independently of each other.
Button pair as push-button function
With button operation, the control surfaces are evaluated independently of each other (single-
surface operation). With button operation, only the "Switching" function can be configured.
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Software "Standard TSM 110x11"
Functional description