If the emergency stop switch
is in its oN state is turned oFF, the
power to the machine parts is re-turned
oN. Be careful about abrupt restoration
of the power.
5. Emergency stop switch
How to operate the emergency stop switch
When the red button of emergency stop swtch
s strongly pressed as far as t goes, the swtch s
placed n ts ON state. When the button s turned
clockwse, the swtch s placed n ts OFF state.
When emergency stop swtch
s placed n ts ON
state, the power to the machne parts excludng the
blower motor s dsconnected to stop them.
To dsconnect the power for any purpose other than
turnng OFF of the emergency stop swtch, operate
the power swtch.
(2) Precautions for use of the emergency stop switch
If emergency stop swtch
s n ts ON state, the operaton panel screen wll not lght up even f the power
swtch s turned ON.
Emergency stop switch
oFF state (normal)
Emergency stop switch
oN state