– 26 –
4) compactFlash (tM)
) Turn the label sde of the CompactFlash(TM)
to ths sde (place the notch of the edge to the
rear.) and nsert the part that has a small hole
nto the panel.
2) After completon of settng of the
CompactFlash(TM), close the cover. By clos-
ng the cover, t s possble to access. If the
CompactFlash(TM) and the cover come n
contact wth each other and the cover s not
closed, check the followng matters.
Check that the CompactFlash(TM) s se-
curely pressed untl t goes no further.
Check that the nsertng drecton of the
CompactFlash(TM) s proper.
1. When the inserting direction is wrong, panel or compactFlash (tM) may be damaged.
2. Do not insert any item other than the compactFlash (tM).
3. the media slot in the IP-420 accommodates to the compactFlash (tM) of 2 GB or less.
4. the media slot in the IP-420 supports the Fat16 which is the format of the compact-
Flash (tM). Fat32 is not supported.
5. Be sure to use the compactFlash (tM) which is formatted with IP-420. For the formatting
procedure of the compactFlash (tM), see
-2-32. Performing formatting of the media",
compactFlash (tM)
Inserting the compactFlash (tM)
removing the compactFlash (tM)
) Hold the panel by hand, open the cover, and
press the CompactFlash(TM)
. The CompactFlash(TM) s eject.
When the lever
is strongly pressed,
the compactFlash (tM)
may be bro-
ken by protruding and falling.
2) When the CompactFlash(TM)
s drawn out
as t s, removng s completed.