– 36 –
activating the pattern change mode
When the MODE key
s pressed, the pattern change
mode button
s dsplayed on the screen. When ths but-
ton s pressed, the pattern change mode screen s dsplayed.
At ths tme, the presser plate goes up to the ntermedate
standby poston after the orgn retreval (*), the pattern plate
and the foldng unt move to the change poston and the ar
supply to the foldng cylnder s dsconnected.
Once the READY key
s pressed and the orgn retreval
operaton s carred out, the orgn retreval operaton wll not be
carred out under the pattern change mode.
3) Remove setscrews
, and remove the pat-
tern foldng unt n the drecton of the arrow.
Then, replace t wth another pattern foldng
unt and tghten setscrews
. After you have
replaced the pattern foldng unt wth another
one, connect the mult-connector.
to avoid possible accidents caused by abrupt start of the machine, check to be sure that no one
places hand, finger and face or any tool in the moving part of the main unit before operating the
switches (keys).
2-5. replacing the pattern
Multi - connector
2) Dsconnect the pattern foldng ar supply