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1. PrEFacE
1) Kind of sewing data handled with IP-420
2) to use the sewing data (M3 data) used by the aVP-875 for the aP-876, it is necessary to con-
vert the data into vector format data by means of the PM-1.
Change to the vector format data wth PM-. (For the detals, refer to Help of PM-.)
Copy the changed vector format data to ¥VDATA folder of the meda.
Insert the meda to IP-420 and select Pattern No.
. oPEratIoN SEctIoN (WItH rEGarD to tHE PaNEL)
Pattern name
Users' pattern
Pattern that can be stored n the body.
Max. 999 patterns can be regstered.
Vector format data
Fle that extenson s ".VDT"
Read from meda. Max. 999 patterns can be used.
3) Folder structure of the media
Store each file in the directories below of the media.
Data that are not stored in the directories above cannot be read. So, be careful.
Media drive
Vector format data :
Store in ¥VData.
Store vector format data.
. VDt
. VDt