Installation and operating instructions: JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter JRSF-ATP DN 125 - 200 (time and differential pressure controlled)
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JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
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Revision level: 24.05.2017
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Parameter settings must be confirmed with the OK key within 1 minute during
programming, otherwise the display switches back to the status display without saving
the changed setting.
Status display
Fig. 11: Status display
Input Function (I)
Active Inactive Output Function (O)
Limit switch linear drive down
Operating relay or fault
6-pole DIP switch
End cascade
Hall effect sensor
Solenoid valve
Differential pressure gauge
Ext. Backwashing Start
Linear drive up
Ext. Backwashing disable
Linear drive down
End cascade
Tab. 8: Status display
Operating message and fault indication
The operating message is indicated via the green LED on the left alongside the display and can be tapped
via the potential-free relay contact (connection C5 / S5).
A fault indication is displayed via the red LED on the left alongside the display and can be tapped via the
potential-free relay contact (connection C5 / Ö5). Here too an alarm signal also sounds.
An existing fault must be cleared and acknowledged with the key
Hall effect sensor fault: If the Hall effect sensor has a fault during backwashing (e.g. due to a disconnected
coupling or damaged connecting cable) or after replacement of a defective control unit or a defective linear
drive a “Hall fault” is output to the display.
An interrupted backwashing process is not automatically continued after fault clearance
and acknowledgement, rather if necessary it must be repeated by triggering manual
backwashing (see Chap. 5.2)!
During operation the day of the week is displayed together with the current
Below this the active or inactive inputs and outputs are displayed (here for
example operating relay active, i.e. O:1).
As during backwashing the sequential pulses of the Hall effect sensor for
movement of the linear drive are displayed, the inputs and outputs are not
displayed during this period.