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Start the software of ground control station, and enter [setting] -> [configuration
connection], configuration serial port and Baud rate;
Serial port: for the ground control station, the ex-factory default port of data
transmission is COM1;
Baud rate: Baud rate is 57600.
Click [OK] to save the connection method;
Click [connect] button at the top right corner of ground control station waiting for the
connection. After the connection is established, it will obtain the flying parameters
from the UAV; the icon at the top right corner will turn to green, and the link status that
the status bar shows will be turned into the red solid circle from green solid circle.
After the connection is completed, when the UAV has realized normal searching and
normal positioning, UAV will send GPS data and feedbacks to the ground control
station, and the ground control station will plot out the UAV's locations and head's
directions on the map.
1. The icon of UAV is displayed on the map;
2. If the UAV swings, HUD (Head up Display) will change accordingly.
2. If the remote rocker is prodded, the slider of remote location will change accordingly.
Note: the system will automatically hide or display the remote interface depending on
the actual resolution, and you may also manually hide and display the remote interface;
the real-time following performance is related with the communication data size.
3.3.2. Main interface
After the data transmission of UAV is connected to the ground control station and the
communication becomes normal, the main interface of ground control station will
display the following status: The UAV coordinate will be loaded to the map locations
with labels.