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Distance: real-time distance between UAV and target;
Height: The vertical height between the UAV and the takeoff point, i.e. the height of the
UAV relative to the ground of the take-off point.
3.3.8. GUIDED cruise
The GUIDED cruise can't be carried out unless you make sure that the data
transmission signal is larger than 70%; or else the ground control station can't send
command to the UAV.
1) The GUIDED cruise is extended independent flight with designated point, and you
can configure a few real-time GUIDED you want to reach, and you don't need to upload
to the UAV, and the ground control station will distribute the GUIDED to UAV in turn
based on the UAV cruise situation.
2) In the process of GUIDED cruise, you can drag and delete other GUIDED in real-
time except the current target GUIDED, and you don't need to upload to the UAV, and
the UAV will cruise according to the new path;
3) In the GUIDED flying process, the user can switch to the manual mode, and now
the status of GUIDED cruise will be saved, the function of continuing flight can be used
to restore the status of GUIDED cruise, and the aircraft will continue to cruise
according to the configured GUIDED information;
4) During the flight with GUIDED points, you can change the height and speed through
the height and speed on the instrument board;