PAGE 84 of 185 Slip Joint Probe Holder Left/Right Conversion
To reverse the probe holder, follow these steps:
Unscrew the yoke from the swing arm
(Fig. 210)
Loosen the probe holder arm adjustment knob and arm clamp screw. Slide
the arms from the yoke
(Fig. 211)
Flip the yoke 180° and reverse the probe holder arms
(Fig. 212)
Place the pivot buttons on the inside of the probe holder arms
(Fig. 213)
a 3/8 in wrench
(Fig. 77)
. Slide the arms onto the yoke and tighten the probe
holder arm adjustment knob and the arm clamp screw.
Fig. 210 - Unscrew yoke pivot screw
Fig. 211 - Remove arms
Fig. 212 - Flip yoke and reverse arms
Fig. 213 - Attach arms and move buttons