3. Using a flathead screwdriver or similar tool, remove
the Manual Park Release access cover, which is to
the lower left of the steering column.
Insert the flathead screwdriver or similar tool in the lower
notch of the access cover and gently rotate clockwise.
Manual Park Release Access Cover
Manual Park Release Location
4. Remove the orange lock plug by turning it a quarter
turn counterclockwise.
Locked — Unlocked Position
5. Pull the lock plug out as far as it will go, then release
it. The transmission should now be in NEUTRAL (N),
allowing the vehicle to be moved.
When the lever is locked in the released position, the lock
plug and tether will remain outside of the trim panel and
the access cover cannot be reinstalled.
6. Release the parking brake only when the vehicle is
securely connected to a tow vehicle.
To reset the Manual Park Release:
1. Apply firm pressure to the brake pedal while seated
in the driver’s seat.
2. Pull the lock plug out again, then release it.
3. Allow the tether to retract with the lever back to its
original position.
4. Verify that the transmission is in PARK (P).
5. Confirm that the tether has retracted fully, then firmly
push the orange lock plug back to the locking position
within the housing. Reinstall the access cover. If the
access cover cannot be reinstalled, repeat steps 1
through 4. Page 71