UMG 103
General Information
This manual is subject to the statutory copyright protection provisions and may
not be photocopied, reprinted, reproduced as a whole or in parts, by mechanical
or electronic means, nor copied or further published in any other way whatsoever
without the legally binding, written consent of
Janitza electronics GmbH,
Vor dem Polstück 1,
D 35633 Lahnau,
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All trademarks and their resulting rights belong to the respective holders of these
Liability disclaimer
Janitza electronics GmbH does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for errors
or deficiencies within this manual and does not undertake any obligation to keep
the content of this manual up to date.
Comments on the manual
We welcome your comments. If anything in this manual seems unclear to you,
please let us know by sending an eMail to: [email protected]