UMG 103
The installation and start-up
instructions also describe options
which do not belong to the scope
of supply.
Inspection on receipt
Fault free and safe use of this device requires appropriate transport, proper storage,
erection and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance. If it can be
assumed that safe operation is no longer possible, the device must be immediately
taken out of service and secured against being accidentally started up.
The device must be unpacked and packed with the usual care, without the use
of force and only using suitable tools. The devices must be visually inspected for
perfect mechanical condition. Please also note and follow the installation instructions
enclosed with the device.
It can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible if the device, e.g.
• has visible damage,
• no longer works, despite intact mains power supply,
• has been exposed to unfavourable conditions (e.g. storage outside the permissible
climatic limits without adjustment to the ambient climate, condensation, or similar)
for a lengthy period or was exposed to unfavourable effects or loads during
transport (e.g. fall from a large height even if there is no visible external damage,
or similar).
Please check the scope of supply for completeness before you start installing the
All screw-type terminals
belonging to the scope of supply
are plugged into the device.
All supplied options and design
versions are described on the
delivery note.