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UV Medium Pressure | Installation & Operation Manual
Wiper Driver Control (Only with JUVMPAUTO
Module Installed)
screen allows to set up the
frequency of activation of the wiper driver as well as
force to run a cleaning cycle.
Wiper Driver Frequency
In order to modify this parameter, click on the current
value. A floating keyboard where you must enter the
new value for the wiper driver frequency in minutes
will appear. Press
to finish.
Anytime you can force the system to perform
a cleaning cycle by clicking on the wiper
As long as the wiper driver is making a
cleaning cycle, this icon will flash green.
By clicking on this icon, the actuator will
immediately return to its initial position,
finishing the cleaning cycle.
Factory Parameter Configuration
The system also allows the configuration of certain
operation parameters, by entering certain codes and
passwords only available for factory or technical
assistance staff.
Section 5. Maintenance
Prior to the installation or replacement of any system component make
sure it has been previously disconnected from the main power supply
and there is no water flow through it. Use only spare parts supplied
by Jandy.
Do not handle the UV lamp until completely cold.
5.1 Quartz Sleeve Mechanical Cleaning
The cleaning of the quartz sleeve is done
automatically based on the operating time of the
lamp. The frequency of execution of the cleaning
cycles can be programmed as described in Section
6.8 of this manual. Manual cleaning of quartz sleeve
is also possible using the lever of the wiper driver.
To do so, press on the clutch button of the driver
while moving very slightly the lever
. In this way
the driver motor will be disengaged allowing the
manual operation of the wiper.
Figure 15. Quartz Sleeve Driver Lever
Once finished the manual cleaning process, the
system will return automatically to engage the driver
motor during the next automatic cleaning cycle.
5.2 UV Lamp Replacement
• The replacement of the UV lamp should be done
whenever the system radiation alarm was active,
and cleaning with the reactor manual device was
not effective.