Using the Dimmer Utility
Revision 1.0 - 7-May-02
HUB24 Series Dimmer
Operating Manual
Blank sets the power output to zero for every control input value, this is used to start
drawing a new dimming curve. On the Edit menu click Blank (or click the blank icon)
to zero the curve in the editor.
Linear sets the power output directly proportional to the control input value, this is used
to start drawing a new dimming curve. On the Edit menu click Linear (or click the
linear icon) to linearise the curve in the editor.
Curve Name
A name is assigned to the dimming curve by clicking in the text box (located in the top
right hand corner) and typing a new name. This name is what is displayed on the
dimmer when the user is assigning a control curve to a dimmer channel.
Saving a Curve
The dimming curve that is currently in the editor can be saved as a file on the computer.
1. On the File menu, click Save to open the “Save As” dialogue box.
2. From the Save in drop down list select the drive the curve will be saved to.
3. Open the folder that is to contain the file, by double-clicking on the folder(s).
4. Type a file name in File name and click Save.
Downloading the Curve to a Dimmer
The dimming curve that is currently in the editor can be download to a dimmer directly
from the curve editor.
1. On the File menu click Curve Download (or click the download icon) to open
the curve download window.
2. Click either Curve #1 or Curve #2 and type in a curve name if it needs to be
3. From the Com Port drop down list, select the serial port that the PC Download
cable is plugged into.
4. Prepare the dimmer so it is waiting to receive a download. See the dimmer’s user
manual for how to do this.
5. Click the Start button to start the download process. The computer will execute
the download whether or not a dimmer is actually connected.
6. A progress bar will be shown at the bottom of the window. Each curve will take
about 5 seconds to download.
7. When the “Download Complete” dialogue box appears, click OK and check the
dimmer to see if the download was successful.
8. Click the Close button to return to the curve editor.