Technical Data and Specifications
Operating Manual
HUB24 Series Dimmer
Normal Three Phase plus Neutral Operation
The HUB24 is normally supplied with a three phase power cable and plug attached,
suiting the vast majority of available mains supplies (ie. three phase and neutral).
The incoming mains supply must be protected by upstream circuit breakers or fuses
rated at not more than the ‘Upstream protection’ value. This value is specified in the
Technical Data and Specification table at the beginning of section 8. The dimmer’s
circuit breakers are not rated to correctly clear faults if the supply protection is in
excess of this.
The power cable is terminated within the dimmer at the four terminals on one of the
RCDs and a chassis earthing stud.
Single Phase Operation
It is possible to supply the HUB with one single phase feed, where three phase mains
supply is unavailable. The total current drawn by the HUB is limited by the rating of
the neutral conductor in the mains cable.
Max total current 50 Amps.
To extend these limits the HUB requires internal rewiring, contact the factory if this
is required.