background image







Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A. declines all liability for dam-
ages arising from failure to observe the following 



For periodic filling, if you decide to connect the hot 
tub hydraulic circuit to the public water system that 
supplies drinking water, this connection must be 
carried out in compliance with the EN1717 norm, 
using “AA”, “AB” or “AD” anti-pollution protection 
procedures. For further information, we recom-
mend you contact your water supply company and/
or your plumber. 





Do not connect the hot tub to the hydraulic system 
using hoses used to water the garden.



CAUTION: Before preparing the drainage system for 
connecting the hot tub, consult the local authori-
ties about regulations for the disposal of chemical-
ly-treated water.

In areas where winter temperatures frequently drop below 
0 °C, during the period when the hot tub is not in use, it is 
recommended to completely empty the system (hot tub, 
compensation tanks, pipes, filter).

In areas where temperatures drop below 0 °C only occa-
sionally, the hot tub can be kept in operation as it includes 
a “freeze protection” feature that guarantees the mainte-
nance of a minimum water temperature.

In case of long periods of inactivity, it is advisable to fully 
drain the system. 
Periodic drainage, during normal use, varies depending 
on the frequency of use, the contaminants and the type of 
installation. Even if not used particularly frequently, you 
should change the water at least once a month.



Prolonged sun exposure could damage the material 
of which the hot tub shell is made, due to its capac-
ity to absorb heat (dark colours in particular). Do 
not leave the hot tub exposed to the sun without 
adequate protection when not in use (thermal cov-
er, gazebo, etc.). Any damage resulting from failure 
to observe these warnings are not covered by the 
product warranty.



Live components and equipment (except those 
powered at very low voltage not exceeding 12 V) 
must be out of reach of individuals in the hot tub.

Jacuzzi® hot tubs are class “1” appliances and must there-
fore be permanently connected, without intermediate junc-
tions, to the electrical network and to the protection circuit 
(grounding system).



Parts containing electrical components, with the 
exception of remote control devices, must be posi-
tioned or fixed so that they cannot fall into the hot 



The appliance must be powered by means of a dif-
ferential switch with operating current which does 
not exceed 30 mA.

The installer must use cables with a suitable cross-section, 
with minimum characteristics equivalent to type H 05 VV-F. 
Please refer to the corresponding section.

For the equipotential connection of the appliance the in-
staller must use the terminal provided and identified by the  
symbol  . Please refer to the corresponding section.
It is imperative to build a support base adequate to the load 
of the hot tub.

It is imperative to provide a drainage system for accidental 
water spills. Please refer to the corresponding section.

For connection to the supply network, we recommend in-
stalling an isolating multi-pole switch, which will ensure 
complete disconnection in the event of a category III over-
voltage; these devices must be placed in an area that com-
plies with the safety regulations.



CAUTION! Before carrying out any maintenance op-
erations, disconnect the appliance from the power 
supply line.



CAUTION: (IEC 60335-1) The pressure of the hydrau-
lic system that supplies the equipment must not 
exceed 600 kPa (6 bar) and, in case water is sup-
plied through solenoid valve(s) (eg. balance tank) 
the pressure must have a minimum value of 35 kPa 
(0.35 bar).

Summary of Contents for Skylounge

Page 1: ...d installazione CONSERVARE CON CURA Installation Manual KEEP CAREFULLY Manuel d installation CONSERVER AVEC SOIN Montageanweisung SORGF LTIG AUFBEWAHREN Manual de instalaci n CONSERVAR CON CUIDADO SK...

Page 2: ...2...

Page 3: ...scaldamento dell acqua set point 18 Mantenimento della temperatura minima dell acqua in vasca e protezione anti congelamento delle tubazioni funzione Smart Winter 19 Modalit risparmio energetico funzi...

Page 4: ...ure Water temperature set point 30 Maintenance of minimum temperature of water in tub and anti freeze protection of the pipes Smart Winter mode 31 Energy saving mode Eco function 31 Waterfiltering Set...

Page 5: ...p rature de l eau valeur de r glage 42 Maintien de la temp rature minimale de l eau dans la vasque et protection des canalisations contre le gel modalit Smart Winter 43 Mode conomie d nergie fonction...

Page 6: ...erWassertemperatur Wassertemperatur Set point 54 Beibehaltung der Wassermindesttemperatur im Becken und Frostschutz der Rohrleitungen Smart Winter 55 Energiesparmodus Eco Funktion 55 Wasserfilterung E...

Page 7: ...o de consigna 66 Mantenimiento de la temperatura m nima del agua de la ba eray protecci n anti congelaci n de las tuber as modalidad Smart Winter 67 Modo ahorro de energ a funci n Eco 67 Filtraci ndel...

Page 8: ...8 74 9 75 75 spa 75 76 76 77 77 71 78 78 79 Smart Winter 79 Eco 80 80 81 Clearray Pro3tect 81 81 81 silence 81 silence 82 81 82 84 78...

Page 9: ...9 1 2 3 clack 1...

Page 10: ...10 click 2 3 clack 1 4 5x40 mm 2a 2b 1 2a 2b 1 6 6 4 5 2...

Page 11: ...11 10 m A B 3 optional en option fakultativ opcional optional en option fakultativ opcional...

Page 12: ...12 2 9x19 mm 2 5 mm 1 2 3 4...

Page 13: ...dromasaje 1 idro 1 B pompa filtrazione filtering pump pompe de filtrage Filterpumpe bomba de filtraci n C riscaldatore heater chauffage Heizger t calentador E Ozono Clearray Pro3 tect Ozone Clearray P...

Page 14: ...eventuali danni de rivanti dalla non osservanza delle presenti avvertenze non sono coperti dalla garanzia Componenti e apparecchiature sotto tensione tranne quelli alimentati a bassissima tensione non...

Page 15: ...erivante da danni subiti durante il trasporto o l immagazzinamento intermedio Appena ricevuta la spa importante quindi verificare l asso luta integrit dell imballo ed avanzare subito eventuali recla m...

Page 16: ...p switch 3 Sensoredilivello verificarechesiainposizioneOFF dip switch 4 Sonda di temperatura verificare che sia in posi zione OFF Per garantire il grado di protezione contro i getti d acqua pre visto...

Page 17: ...l installazione Se si usa il tubo per innaffiare il giardino lasciare scorrere l acqua per un po di tempo prima di riempire la spa in que sto modo verr eliminata l acqua stagnante all interno del tub...

Page 18: ...uire tutte le istruzioni re lative all uso e alle modalit di conservazione dei pro dotti chimici attenendosi scrupolosamente alle indi cazioni del produttore riportate sulla confezione ATTENZIONE Non...

Page 19: ...tenelcasoditemperatureparticolar mente basse verificare periodicamente la presenza di energia elettrica in modo che la funzione non venga interrotta X L attivazione delle pompe viene effettuata ad int...

Page 20: siaccendeilleddelsimbolorispettivo selampeg giante significacheilciclo statosospeso vederecapitolorelativo X Durante il ciclo di filtrazione il display visualizza la scritta Flt NOTE Se non viene t...

Page 21: ...funzione silence viene sospesa e riprende circa un minuto dopo lo spegnimento dell idromassaggio e o faro X Durante la funzione sul display B compare la scritta Sby Funzionamento dei cicli di filtrazi...

Page 22: ...nessuna azione X CO il sistema di controllo del faro non funziona Contattare un Centro Assistenza autorizzato Jacuzzi X FLO Il flussostato non rileva il flusso d acqua il riscaldamento non pu essere a...

Page 23: RIMEDIO Pulire o sostituire il filtro Vedere cap Trattamento dell acqua Vedere le istruzioni relative alla manuten zione Riparare la perdita Usare la copertura della spa Impostare una temperatura d...

Page 24: ...otturati Perdite d acqua sull aspirazione Livello dell acqua basso Cuscinetti motore usurati o difettosi La girante sfrega contro il corpo pompa Corpi solidi all interno della pompa Tenuta meccanica p...

Page 25: ...circa la conformit dell in stallazione effettuata La pompa di filtrazione non funziona Manca corrente una delle cause di malfunzionamento pu essere l errata impostazione del banco in terruttori B2 dip...

Page 26: ...use thermal cov er gazebo etc Any damage resulting from failure to observe these warnings are not covered by the product warranty Live components and equipment except those powered at very low voltag...

Page 27: ...eld liable for damage incurred during transport or interme diate storage As soon as you receive the hot tub it is therefore important to check that the packaging is in perfect condition and if not imm...

Page 28: of protection against water as required by standards a cable clamp has been installed to make connection the electrical system easier When installation is complete the cable clamp and the cover of...

Page 29: ...bers and LEDs on the control panel 3 6 display B will turn on Following the display will show the codes for the firmware versions In general when the hot tub is filled for the first time the water tem...

Page 30: ...the water filtering cycles based on how you intend to use the hot tub Installationoffrontandsidepanels whereincluded X Refer to the corresponding drawings 2 Controlpanelandfunctions 3 6 All hot tub fu...

Page 31: ...s temperature between 12 and 15 C 54 59 F every 2 hours temperature between 9 and 12 C 48 54 F every hour temperature between 6 and 9 C 42 48 F every 30 minutes temperatures at or below 6 C 42 F every...

Page 32: ...FILTERING CYCLES X Activating the hydromassage stops the filtration cycle but it resumes about 5 minutes after the function has turned off Moreover with these models the silence mode also sus pends t...

Page 33: ...s circulate through the filter NOTES Warning only a normally open not closed contact must be con nected to the terminal provided on the electrical box It is advisable to program the silence function s...

Page 34: ...It is no t possible to turn any func tion on If present remove the cover from the hot tub so as to facilitate cooling of the water Add cold water to the hot tub if sunlight causes an excessive increas...

Page 35: ...erated circuit breaker RCCB has tripped Faulty pump or motor Filtering pump not working too high wa ter temperature flow switch and or faulty temperature probe SOLUTION Clean or replace filter See cha...

Page 36: ...verload Power supply cables not suitable No power one of the causes of malfunction may be incorrect setting of the B2 switch bench dipswitch no 2 Insufficient level of water in the tank mes sage L1 or...

Page 37: ...r an authorised Service Centre It is the responsibility of the installer owner to ascertain compliance with specific local regulations prior to installation Jacuz zi Europe S p A gives no guarantee in...

Page 38: ...tonnelle etc Les ventuels dommages d rivant de la non observation des pr sentes recommandations ne seront pas couverts par la garantie Les composants et les appareils sous tension sauf ceux aliment s...

Page 39: ...mages subis durant le transport ou le stockage interm diaire D s r ception du spa il est donc important de v rifier la parfaite int grit de l emballage et d adresser aussit t les ventuelles r clamatio...

Page 40: ...est en position OFF dip switch 4 Sonde de temp rature v rifiez qu elle est en posi tion OFF Afin de garantir le degr de protection contre les projections d eau tel que pr vu par les normes et pour fac...

Page 41: ...consid rabledecalcium magn sium m taux etc il est conseill de remplir le spa en utilisant une quantit d eau dure quivalente la moiti du contenu et de compl ter le remplissage avec de l eau provenant...

Page 42: tances annule la garantie du fabricant X V rifier et ventuellement modifier les cycles de filtrage de l eau en fonction de l utilisation du spa Installationdespanneauxfrontauxetlat raux sipr vus S...

Page 43: ...ture comprise entre 12 et 15 C 54 59 F toutes les 2 heues temp rature comprise entre 9 et 12 C 48 54 F toutes les heures temp rature comprise entre 6 et 9 C 42 48 F toutes les 30 minutes temp rature i...

Page 44: ...bole respectif si clignotant cela signifie que le cycle a t interrompu voir chapitre relatif X Pendant le cycle de filtration sur l afficheur appara t le mes sage Flt REMARQUES Si aucune touche n est...

Page 45: ...ation pour la fonction silence Si l on programme la fonction silence de mani re ce qu elle co ncide avec les tranches horaires r serv es au cycle de filtra tion celui ci sera temporairement interrompu...

Page 46: ...oris Jacuzzi X FLC Le fluxostat d tecte le flux d eau avec la pompe de fil trage teinte Panne du fluxostat possible contacter un Centre d Assistance Autoris Jacuzzi X Er Temp rature de l eau en dehors...

Page 47: ...nterrupteur diff rentiel d clench Pompe ou moteur d fectueux La pompe de filtration ne fonctionne pas temp rature de l eau trop lev e fluxostat et ou sonde de temp rature en panne SOLUTION Nettoyer ou...

Page 48: ...n e Surcharge C bles d alimentation non ad quats Manque de courant une des causes de dysfonctionnement peut tre la mauvaise configuration du bandeau des interrupteurs B2 dip switch n 2 Niveau d eau en...

Page 49: ...zzi ou un Service Apr s Vente agr Il incombe l installateur ou au propri taire de s assurer de la conformit du lieu d installation aux dispositions locales en vigueur avant de proc der cette derni re...

Page 50: ...rmeschutzabdeckung Pavil lon usw Sch den die durch das Nichtbeachten die ser Hinweise entstehen fallen nicht unter die Garantie Komponenten und Ger te die unter Spannung stehen mit Ausnahme jener die...

Page 51: ...tes oder bei einer Zwischenlagerung entstehen Bei Erhalt des Whirlpools muss die Verpackung daher unbedingt auf ihre Unversehrtheit berpr ft werden eventuelle Sch den sind sofort beim Spediteur zu rek...

Page 52: ...ors dieser muss auf OFF geschaltet sein dip switch 3 F llstandssensor pr fen ob er auf OFF steht dip switch 4 Temperaturf hler pr fen ob er in der Position OFF steht Um den von den Normen vorgesehenen...

Page 53: ...lgt nach dem zuvor vom Kunden festgelegten System siehe Datenblatt Installationsvorbereitung Kap Vorbe reitung zur Installation Wird ein Gartenschlauch verwendet vor dem F llen des Whirlpools das Wass...

Page 54: ...en st rungsfreien Betrieb des Whirlpools pr fen X Nehmen Sie die gew hlte Wasseraufbereitung vor ACHTUNG Lesen Sie die Anweisungen des Einsatzes und der Aufbewahrung der chemischen Produkte sorgf ltig...

Page 55: ...isplay angezeigt ACHTUNG Pr fen Sie insbesondere im Falle besonders niedriger Wassertemperaturen regelm ig das Vorhanden sein von elektrischer Energie damit die Funktion nicht un terbrochen wird X Die...

Page 56: ...entsprechenden Symbols an wennsieblinkt bedeutetdas dassderZyklusausgesetztwurde siehe dazu das entsprechende Kapitel X W hrend des Filterzyklus erscheint auf dem Display die Mel dung Flt HINWEISE We...

Page 57: ...nommen X W hrend der Funktion erscheint auf dem Display B die Mel dung Sby Funktionsweise der Filterzyklen in Abh ngigkeit der Funk tion Silence Wenn die Funktion Silence so programmiert wird dass sie...

Page 58: ...eingeschaltet sein pr fen dass der DIP Schalter Nr 8 auf OFF steht siehe Kap An schl sse und elektrische Sicherheit M gliche St rung am Durchflussmesser wenden Sie sich an eine autorisierte Jacuzzi K...

Page 59: ...angeschlossen Hauptschalter nicht inseriert Differenzialschalter ausgel st Pumpe oder Motor defekt Filterpumpe funktioniert nicht Was sertemperatur zu hoch Str mungsw chter und oder Temperatursonde de...

Page 60: ...fekter Kontakt beim Motorstart Die Funktion ist beendet berlastung Ungeeignete Versorgungskabel Kein Strom Eine der Ursachen f r St rungen kann die falsche Einstellung der Schalterbank B2 DIP Schalter...

Page 61: ...tion die Konformit t mit den lokalen Vorschriften zu berpr fen und die se zu beachten Jacuzzi Europe S p A bernimmt diesbez glich keine Garantie und lehnt jede Haftung f r eine nicht fachgerecht durch...

Page 62: ...el spa no lo deje expuesto al sol sin una protecci n adecuada cubierta t rmica gazebo etc Los posibles da os debidos al incumplimiento de estas advertencias no est n cubiertos por la garant a Los comp...

Page 63: ...rante el transporte o el almacenamien to intermedio Nada m s recibir la minipiscina es importante comprobar el perfecto estado del embalaje y dirigir enseguida las reclamaciones eventuales al transpor...

Page 64: filtraci n de acuerdo con el sensor de nivel debe estar puesto en OFF dip switch 3 Sensor de nivel verifique que est en la posici n OFF dip switch 4 Sonda de temperatura verifique que est en la pos...

Page 65: ...paralainstalaci n Si se usa la manguera para regar el jard n deje correr el agua durante un rato antes de llenar la minipiscina de esta forma se eliminar el agua estanca dentro del tubo y con ella las...

Page 66: ...ciones dadas previamente X Vuelva a encender el interruptor omnipolar y compruebe que la minipiscina funcione correctamente X Realice el tratamiento del agua seleccionado ATENCI N lea y siga todas las...

Page 67: ...odalidad Smart Winter gracias a una sonda espec fica permite hacer un seguimiento de la temperatura del compartimen to bajo la ba era que contiene todas las tuber as del circuito hi dr ulico por lo ta...

Page 68: n Up Down y confirme con el bot n Pump para memorizar los valores introducidos y salir de la modalidad de programaci n Cuando la funci n est activada se enciende el led del s mbolo correspondiente...

Page 69: ...a con el temporizador X De todos modos es posible activar el hidromasaje y o el foco en estos casos la funci n silence se suspende y se reanuda apro ximadamente un minuto despu s de apagarse el hidrom...

Page 70: ...correspondiente No es necesario intervenir X CO el sistema de control del foco no funciona P ngase en contacto con un Centro de Asistencia autorizado de Jacuzzi X FLO El flujostato no detecta el fluj...

Page 71: ...ustituir el filtro Vea el cap Tratamiento del agua Ver las instrucciones correspondientes a mantenimiento Repare la p rdida Usar la cubierta de la minipiscina fije una temperatura del agua m s baja Ll...

Page 72: ...nterruptor diferencial ha saltado Conexiones incorrectas o defectuosas rbol y rodete bloqueados Bobinas del motor fundidas Contacto defectuoso en el arranque del motor La funci n ha acabado Sobrecarga...

Page 73: ...el cap Conexiones y seguridad el ctrica A ada agua a hasta que desaparezca el mensaje de la pantalla Accione el interruptor Vuelva a activar el diferencial La competencia necesaria para esta clase de...

Page 74: ...74 Ru Jacuzzi Europe S p A EN1717 AA AB AD 0 C 0 C 12 Jacuzzi 1 30 A H 05 VV F III IEC60335 1 600 a 6 35 a 0 35...

Page 75: ...75 X spa X X B Jacuzzi Europe spa spa Spa Jacuzzi Europe S p A spa X 1 spa 2 X spa X X 1 spa spa Jacuzzi Europe S p A spa spa spa spa...

Page 76: ...N X b1 dip switch 1 OFF 16A ON 32A dip switch 2 1 OFF dip switch 3 2 OFF dip switch 4 OFF ON dip switch 5 OFF ON dip switch 6 Jacuzzi Eco Heat Jacuzzi Cool Power dip switch 7 OFF dip switch 8 OFF X b2...

Page 77: ...77 Jacuzzi Europe S p A X X dip switch n 1 OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON dip switch 1 dip switch 1 X spa X V V V X X spa X 3 6 B...

Page 78: ...78 35 C FLO FLC X TEST spa spa X Pump A Pump B 2 1 2 X Light B A X X spa Jacuzzi X X spa X spa X spa X spa X X spa X 2 3 6 B Up Down B...

Page 79: ...79 40 C 35 36 C Q 10 Q X Up Down B X Up Down 15 C 40 C 59 104 F X 5 Jacuzzi CoolPower 1 C 30 1 5 C X 30 spa 40 C Q SMART WINTER Smart Winter ICE X B A 6...

Page 80: ...C 48 54 F 6 9 C 42 48 F 30 6 C 42 F 15 15 a Q ECO 10 C 50 F 15 C X Up Down B X Light 5 Eco X Up Down Up Down Eco 12 Clearray Pro3tect Q X Pump B 5 dx x X Up Down 0 12 X Pump 0 sy y 0 4 4 0 s X 0 12 U...

Page 81: ...e X Smart Winter Q CLEARRAY PRO3TECT Clearray Pro3tect X Clearray Pro3tect 40 Clearray Pro3tect X Pump B A1 A2 B A1 A2 B A X Pump A Pump B 2 1 2 20 X Light B A B A X 3 Q SILENCE smart winter silence X...

Page 82: ...82 silence silence silence 6 8 2 silence silence silence silence Q X 3 5 3 5 Loc X 3 5 X X L1 X AL1 60 Jacuzzi X LL X FLt X ICE Smart winter X CO C Jacuzzi...

Page 83: ...83 X FLO dip switch 8 Jacuzzi X FLC Jacuzzi X Er 45 C 111 F 5 C 41 F Jacuzzi X HI 42 C 107 6 F 40 C 109 F Jacuzzi Jacuzzi ______________________________ ______________________ _______________________...

Page 84: ...84 ON smart winter...

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Page 86: ...86 B2 dip switch 2 L1 L2 Jacuzzi Jacuzzi Europe S p A...

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Page 88: ...aciones que considere oportunas sin obligaci n de preaviso o de sustituci n Jacuzzi Europe S p A JACUZZI EUROPE S p A S S Pontebbana km 97 200 33098 Valvasone Arzene PN ITALIA Tel 39 0434 859111 Fax 3...
