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Application of warranty
1. During the warranty period, if failure or damage of product happens, despite of correct usage, because of manufac-
turer’s wrong manufacturing, the failed or damaged parts are repaired free of charge by the manufacturer.
2. Repair of failed or damaged product caused by the reasons mentioned as bellow and the replacement of consumable
parts are done for payment.
a. Repair of product of which the warranty period is expired.
b. Repair of failed or damaged product which has been wrongly used or stocked.
c. Repair of failed or damaged product which is composed of parts not being certified by manufacturer.
d. Repair of failed or damaged product which had been repaired or modified by other person than manufacturer or his
e. Repair of failed or damaged product which is caused by fire, natural disaster or force majeure.
3. Manufacturer takes no responsibility for the failure or damage of the product which is manufactured according to the
standard or material instructed by the purchaser or user.
4. Materials used for the product are “manufacturer’s recommendation” but are not guaranteed for the chemical
attack/corrosion or fluid abrasion
5. Warranty is limited to repair of failed or damaged parts or product and manufacturer does not compensate for dam-
age or loss of other equipment or facility or any expense caused by failure or damage of product.
In case something unusual comes to your notice while you are using the pump, stop operation immediately and check
whether anything is out of order. (Refer to the chapter on "Causes of Trouble and Troubleshooting".)
For repair work, please contact us or the dealer with whom you placed your order.
Before requesting repair, peruse this instruction manual again and recheck the product.
When you request repair, the following information is needed:
Model code and manufacturing number
Period of use and conditions under which the product has been used.
Details of the problem
In the event you return your pump, please ship it only after thoroughly washing the inside to prevent residual liquid
from flowing out in transit, which is very dangerous.
Application of Warranty and Repair Service