Page 36 (52)
Ver 2_en_2022-06-27
Assembly Instructions
Envistar Flex
Order Portal
6. Cut off the brush strip on the upper part of the thermal wheel so that the cut edge meets
the edge of the underpart’s brush strip.
7. Screw on the brush strip with self-tapping screws (R6B large flange 4,2x13 ZnNi).
8. Place the thermal wheel belt around the thermal wheel.
9. Screw on the jointing strips, one on each side of the thermal wheel, with self-tapping
screws (MRTF M 4x12 ZnI). When reassembling, all screw holes are used.
10. Place the casing as high and as close to the thermal wheel as possible and lift the casing
into place over the thermal wheel with the aid of four people lifting at all four corners.
11. For size 360-600: Put together the upper and lower parts of the casing with pop rivets, at
the joints of the cover plate, on the inspection side. For the other sizes, go on to the next