Operation Manual ITW GSE 6400 Tier 4
c) Long-Term Storage (Over 30 Days)
To protect the generator and other electrical components, the complete unit should be packaged
using moisture proof packaging and sealing material. Place containers of moisture-absorbing
chemicals in unit before packaging.
From the Cummins 4BT shop manual: long term storage is up to 24 months. Change the oil and
fill with 30W Preservative oil. Then start the engine with clean diesel fuel (the units needs to be
filled with at least 10% or more of fuel in order to start) and then switch fuel lines to a can of
preservative oil (Cummins specifies Dauber Chemical NoxRust # 518). When the preservative oil
is running out the injector return tube turn off the motor and cap ends of fuel return and supply
tubes. Drain 30W preservative oil from crankcase. Add rust inhibitor to the coolant and make sure
that the radiator is full. Spray preservative oil into intake and exhaust ports on cylinder head and
under rocker housing covers. Cover all openings. Do not rotate crankshaft. Drain the fuel tank.
The unit can be stored for long periods without the above preparation if engine can be operated
once a week.
When operating once a week:
1) Make certain the cooling system is adequately protected.
adequate ventilation before starting the engine
2) Start engine and operate under full load (using a resistive load bank or aircraft) until coolant
temperature has reached a minimum 176ºF (80ºC).
3) While engine is running, ensure normal operating controls are in good working condition
before shutdown and storage. If weekly operation is not possible, contact nearest engine
manufacturer distributor for instructions.
3) Preparation for Shipment
a) Disconnect battery negative terminal before shipping.
b) During long shipments, vibration, jolting, etc may loosen the generator set retaining hardware.
When shipping unit, provide sufficient retaining materials to ensure generator set
cannot roll out or off the vehicle in which it is being transported.
It is suggested strong banding is used to secure generator set.
OM2248 Rev B
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