3.11.4 Double Charging Current
Enable or disable enlarging the limitation of charging current.
3.11.5 Charging Current
The setting is the charging current of Constant Current state.
3.11.6 Constant Current Percent
The percentage of battery capacity. Now this setting is fixed to 100% and isn’t allowed to modify. That is, the value of above
Charging Current setting equal to battery capacity.
3.11.7 Constant Voltage Charging OK Current Percent
The percentage of battery capacity as condition of charging complete. In Constant Voltage state, if charging current diminishes
to the percentage of battery capacity n-SPK judges charging completes.
3.11.8 Constant Current Protect Time
The protection time of Constant Current state. If n-SPK stays in Constant Current state over the time, it raises an error.
3.11.9 Constant Voltage Protect Time
The protection time of Constant Voltage state. If n-SPK stays in Constant Voltage state over the time, it raises an error.
3.11.10 Disallow SHS Active When Charger On
Determine whether n-SPK can be operated as normal in charging state.