3.1.2 Information Block IC Package
Display the IC package. Module Name
Display the Module name if it has.
3.2 Main Features Page
When you start to edit UI parameters, you will see Main Features page as Figure 3.2. At first, this page lists some main features
and shows the settings of the loaded UI parameter table. Then you can modify it to achieve what you want.
There is one thing need to pay attention. Some I/O pins may be configurable to perform different features, they are called multi-
function pins. In the configuration, one multi-function pin should be map to only one feature. To avoid that several features may
use the same pin, if a pin is occupied by a feature, the other features using the same pin will be unchecked and disabled
automatically. Below it will have a brief for the features in this page.
Figure 3.2 Main Features
3.2.1 Supported Profiles
Determine that the product supports which Bluetooth profiles.