Manufacturer of Quality Air Conditioning and Heating Products • www.islandaire.com • sales@islandaire.com • (800)-886-2759
Product Information
The DR. VTAC is an add on component to our standard VTAC unit that provides continuous conditioned make up
air into a space through the VTAC unit. The DR. VTAC provides up to 55 CFM of outdoor air 24/7 by forced fan and
cycling dehumidifier compressor based on outdoor relative humidity levels.
DR. VTAC was created to solve issues with dehumidification in rooms and to introduce make up air due to deficiencies
of oxygen levels. DR. VTAC is not only a VTAC, it is also a Conditioned Make Up Air unit. New ASHRAE studies show
that many illnesses in hotel rooms can be attributed to an oxygen-deficient atmosphere. DR. VTAC solves this issue by
introducing conditioned make up air that satisfies both humidity level introduction and supplied oxygen.
DR. VTAC is a two-stage system. The primary unit is responsible for control of Sensible Heat that is introduced into
the room via make up air temperature and thermal load of the occupants. The secondary unit is primarily a dehumidi-
fication unit that provides up to 55 CFM of continuous conditioned make up air into the room. The correction of the
Sensible Temperature comes from the main VTAC system, which provides additional dehumidification with temperature
correction. Overall unit efficiency, as compared with standard VTAC’s, is approximately 3% improvement. The compres-
sor/dehumidification process is controlled by a humidistat (factory set at 50% RH) that monitors the outdoor relative
humidity level and is adjustable by a qualified service person. Below 50% RH, compressor operation and dehumidifica-
tion is stopped. However, fan operation continues to provide up to 55 CFM of outdoor air into the room.
The dehumidification system has a temperature switch that monitors both the refrigeration and the outdoor air tempera-
tures. If the outdoor air falls below 38 °F, the compressor is disabled with fan operation continuing to provide outdoor air
into the space. All dehumidifier controls and safeties are automatically reset. An optional air tempering heater is avail-
able for the make up air system for applications where outdoor temperature is 40° or lower. Condensate from the dehu-
midifier drains into the VTAC drain pan, where it is slung onto the condenser coil for re-evaporation outside when the
A/C runs. Excess condensate is collected in the drain pan, which can then either drain to the outside through the louver
OR be piped to a field-supplied drainage system.
aDvantaGEs anD
ProBlEm solvInG BEnEFIts
oF thE Dr.vtaC systEm:
1. 100% Continuously Conditioned Make up air
2. Reduced Microbial Growth
3. Mildew control
4. Odor reduction
5. Solves air quality issues
6. Lower installation/renovation costs than typical DOAS*
7. Decrease inconvenience to customer due to construction/installation of a DOAS* system
8. Precise humidity control in a room as compared to a simple VTAC vent or power vent system
9. Allows conditioned make up air to travel entirely across sleeping and living areas of a room, exiting through an
*DOAS = Dedicated Outdoor Air System