I-O 2677e Ethernet Display User s Guide
Use the information in the following table to help diagnose and resolve problems with this
The status line does not
appear on the display and
you get a message the
Host has closed the
The 2677e was powered off while the display session
was active. Recovery will require you to manually end the
telnet session.
• From the host, enter the command
• Take Option 3 to work with TCP/IP
connection status
• Page down and look for the IP address of
the 2677e
• End the session(s) taking option 4. There
will be a connection for each active session
which may require You to end each session
to find the correct one.
• Reconnect all desired sessions.
Note: It may also be necessary to vary a isplay session
off and back on to get the device to reconnect.