2.3.5 Pano360/PC connection
Lastly plug the micro USB connector on the side of the device (
Fig 1-E
Fig. 10
) and the other end of
the cable to your computer.
All the connections for Pano360 are done. The device is ready for
configuration and a test run.
Fig. 10
Micro USB connector – Pano360/PC communication
3. Pano360 GUI
Pano360 GUI (
Graphic User Interface
) is a window application that lets you enter different
parameters of the device. Below is a quick overview of the program.
Fig. 11
Pano360 GUI overview.
Micro USB connector
Parameters which are used to
protect the motor and controller
from damage.
Parameters which are used to
determine when the motor has
came to a stop.
These parameters determine the
rotation angle and the shaft position.
Preset list,preset order setting
Parameters that tell how
many photos should be taken
during the entire rotation
Kinematics determine the speed,
acceleration and deceleration of
the rotation
These parameters define how and
when the camera is triggered