5.4 Correcting
Possible Water
Approximately 3% of all returns (RMAs) are caused by
water damage. prox.pad plus units that are mounted
outdoors require certain preventive steps to avoid be-
ing damaged by water. This section discusses the rea-
sons water can accumulate in keypads and the steps
to prevent this.
5.4.1 Silicone
Use silicone to seal wire runs and mounting holes.
Do NOT seal the cover and base together.
Keypads are designed to direct any water that
enters the two constituent pieces, base and cover,
towards the bottom and out a drain or weep hole.
5.4.2 Wire Run
Bend the wires before they enter the case to form a
drip loop. Often water follows the wires to the con-
nection point of the circuit board and shorts out the
terminals to which the wires are connected.
5.4 Correcting Possible Water Problems
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2