1. Introduction
IDE Activity (Disk 0)
Green = disk activity
Hot Swap
Blue = safe to extract board
Off = not safe to extract board
Green = normal operation
Amber = needs attention
The ZT 5504 includes the Intel® NetStructure™ Embedded BIOS v5.x loaded in on-board
flash. The BIOS is user-configurable to boot an operating system from local flash memory, a
hard drive, CD-ROM drive, or over a network. BIOS and firmware updates can be downloaded
from the Intel Website.
The ZT 5504 is compatible with all major PC operating systems, including Microsoft Windows
2000, Linux, and VxWorks. Intel may provide additional drivers for Intel peripherals, flash
drives, and for supported operating systems. Software device drivers for the ZT 5504 may be
found on the Intel Website.
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