101. set frOnt channels gain
Insert the test tone CD. Play a 500Hz tone on repeat. Set your
voltmeter to read AC voltage. Measure the voltage across the
Front Right positive & negative speaker terminals on the amp.
Turn the headunit volume up until you see 2.65V output (again,
adjust the
headunit volume
– do not change the gain on the amp).
With the test tone still playing, check the output voltage on the
Front Left channel. Adjust the Front Left Input Sensitivity on the
amp to 2.65V output also.
102. center suBwOOfer reMOte vOluMe cOntrOl
Leave the headunit volume unchanged. Play a 31.5Hz tone on
Subwoofer Remote Volume Control
on the dash to the center
position (i.e. 50% volume).
103. set suBwOOfer gain (rear aMplifier channels)
Measure the output voltage on the Rear Right channel output.
Adjust the
Amplifier GAIN
for the Right Rear channel up until you
read 7V output. Repeat for the Left Rear channel. Measure the
bridged output voltage (measure across the outer terminals where
the subwoofer output wires are connected). You should see 14V.
104. set suBwOOfer gain (rear aMp channels)
Double-check your readings. It is CRITICAL that you maintain
the headunit volume throughout the process. If the headunit
turns off, you MUST go back to the 500Hz tone and re-confirm
that you have 2.65V output on the front channels before proceed-
ing with the subwoofer settings. You will NOT get 2.65V on the
Front channels with the 31.5Hz tone! (the electronic crossover in
the amp is blocking the low frequencies on the front!).
105. cOnnect suBwOOfer
Connect the Neutrik plug to the subwoofer. Slide the subwoofer
into the compartment. Do not attach the mounting screws yet.
4ch amp sousub
4ch amp sousub
[subwoofer oNLY]