Device Setup
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6.1.1 Manually Register a Device
Enter the transmitter number of the Inovonics device to be registered in
the “TX ID” field. The TX ID label is usually found on the printed circuit
board of the device, or in the case of some devices, such as panic
buttons, on the external housing.
Figure 6-2
TX ID label on a printed circuit board
The TX ID consists of the initial two smaller digits and the following six larger
digits. Enter all digits. In the example shown in Figure 6-2, for instance, you would
enter “07155450”.
Enter a 31 character or less text description of the device in the
“Description:” field. Typically, this is a brief indication of where the device
is used, or, in the case of a mobile device, the name of the person to
whom it is assigned.
Choose the Inovonics part number of the device from the “Type:” drop-
down menu.
If the exact product match is not available, choose the closest part number. E.g.,
“EN5040” may be selected for “EN5040-20T.”
In the “Supervision Window:” field, enter a supervision window for the
device in seconds.
The supervision window is the period of time during which the EN6080 must hear
a check-in message from the device or consider it inactive. For instance, if a
device is set with a supervision window of 540 seconds and 540 seconds elapses
without the EN6080 hearing a check-in message, then the device will be
considered inactive. A good rule of thumb is to set the supervision window at a
minimum of ten times the device’s check-in rate.