ACG Setup
3/18/15 06443E © 2015, Inovonics - www.inovonics.com
If the IP address for the NTP server is invalid or the area control gateway is
unable to connect, a message will display reading, “NTP Time Server is
unreachable,” and the area control gateway will continue trying again to
retrieve the time once a minute until it is successful.
3.3.2 Synchronize Time and Date with your PC
To synchronize time and date with your computer:
Ensure the time and date is correct on your host computer.
Click the “Sync with PC:” button.
Click “Update” to update time and date.
When the “Date and Time configuration updated” dialog box displays,
click “OK.”
If the new time and date is earlier than what is currently set on the EN6080 area
control gateway, every event that happens after you set the new time will have a
time stamp of 1 millisecond greater than the last entry before the time change.
This will continue until the current time is greater than what the modified event
time would be. At that point events will display the proper time stamp. This
prevents log irregularities.