Installation manual
Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.
4.5.2. Operational work
Manual start-up/shutdown of the wind turbine
The IWI is equipped with an ON/OFF button to manually start-up / shutdown the wind turbine. When the button is
enabled (the LED on the button is on) the IWI unblocks the wind turbine and allows it to operate normally. When the
button is disabled (LED off), the IWI performs the wind turbine shutdown and subsequent blocking, guaranteeing that
the wind turbine is stopped from moving.
Any wind present will cause the wind turbine to rotate.
If there is no control over the wind turbine, then its speed of rotation may increase above the
design limits, leading to bodily injury and/or material damage.
You are advised to use wind turbines equipped with mechanical speed limitation systems
(mechanical braking devices or by aerodynamic design) to ensure that the speed of rotation
remains within acceptable values in order to guarantee system safety.
Before starting up the system, you are advised to use mechanical blocking or the short-
circuiting of the output terminals to prevent the wind turbine from moving.
Once the wind turbine has been connected to the IWI, the latter short circuits the turbine.
Do not turn on the IWI until all the devices have been installed (brake resistor and µWind)
and grid voltage is available to dissipate the energy produced to the power grid.
4.5.3. Manipulation work
All tasks not considered to be Inspection or Operational tasks shall be classed as Manipulation tasks.
For manipulation work, you need to ensure that no voltage is present. Follow the protocol detailed below:
Shutdown the wind turbine. To do so, press the ON/OFF button located on the bottom of the Ingecon
Interface. In position OFF, the LED on the button will not light up.
Once the wind turbine has stopped completely, disconnect the power cable connecting the Ingecon
Interface DC output with the Ingecon
µWind DC input. You are advised to disconnect the quick connector from
the Ingecon
Block the wind turbine using some additional braking system. Disconnect the connection between the wind
turbine and the Ingecon
μWind Interface, isolate it, sign it and protect it.
Disconnect the auxiliary power from the Ingecon
μWind Interface.
Wait 10 minutes for the internal capacitors to discharge and any hot parts to cool down.
Open the cover and check for the absence of voltage in the work area.
The PPE stated in section “4.4.3. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)” should be worn for any work on live parts
indicated in this document.