Installation manual
Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.
Connection to a wind turbine with an AC voltage output
If the wind turbine delivers AC voltage, then the Ingecon
Interface will make the conversion to DC, in order to be connected to
the Ingecon
In this case, make the connection as shown in the following figure,
through the GENERATOR cable gland.
Connection to a wind turbine with a DC voltage output
If the wind turbine delivers DC voltage, then the Ingecon
Interface will not make any conversion at all.
The connection shall be made as indicated in the figure below, through
the GENERATOR cable gland, connecting the R and S terminals only.
Connect the positive to the terminal marked as R and the negative to
the terminal marked as S.
Never forget that when the wind turbine is moving, voltage may be
present at its terminals.
In both cases, the wind turbine cable diameter must not be greater
than 17 mm.
5.4. Electrical disconnection
Pay particular heed to the following warnings.
The equipment contains electrical capacitors that can hold high voltages even after disconnection
from the wind turbine and grid.
and remember:
The Ingecon
μWind Interface models should only be opened by authorised personnel.
During the equipment installation and maintenance operations, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment,
safety helmet, gloves and footwear.
Do not touch the equipment sides and rear, which can reach high temperatures
Any installation work requiring the equipment to be opened must be performed in a dry environment, to prevent the
ingress of moisture that could condense and damage the electronics.
Ingeteam assumes no liability for damages cause by the improper use of its equipment.