Installation manual
Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.
3.5. Conservation
In order to correctly conserve the equipment, the original packaging should not be removed until just before the equip-
ment is to be installed.
In the event of storage for a long period of time, you are advised to do so in a dry place, avoiding abrupt temperature
changes as far as possible.
Damaged packaging (cuts, holes, etc.) means that the equipment will not be maintained in optimum conditions before
Ingeteam assumes no liability for possible damage, if this condition is not met.
3.6. Waste disposal
During the installation, commissioning and maintenance procedures, the waste generated must be adequately treated
in compliance with the country-specific regulations.
At the end of the useful life of the equipment, the waste must be given to an authorised manager.
In this section, Ingeteam, in its commitment to an environmentally friendly policy, provides Authorised Managers with
information on the location of the components to be decontaminated.
Those equipment components which must be specifically
treated are:
Printed circuit boards
Electrolytic capacitors or containing a PCB