6. Observe indoor fan operation and correct any unusual or excessive vibration. Clean blower
wheels as needed.
Annually (Cooling Season)
The following maintenance procedures must be performed at the beginning of each cooling
season to ensure efficient unit operation.
Perform all of the monthly maintenance inspections.
2. With the unit operating, check unit superheat and record the reading in the “Maintenance Log.”
3. Remove any accumulation of dust and/or dirt from the unit casing.
4. Remove corrosion from any surface and repaint. Check the gasket around the control panel
door to ensure it fits correctly and is in good condition to prevent water leakage.
5. Inspect the evaporator fan belt. If it is worn or frayed, replace it.
6. Inspect the control panel wiring to ensure that all connections are tight and that the insulation
is intact.
Check refrigerant piping and fittings for leaks.
8. Inspect the evaporator coils for dirt and debris. If the coils appear dirty, clean them.
Coil Cleaning
Regular coil maintenance, including annual cleaning-enhances the unit's operating efficiency by
compressor head pressure and amperage draw;
water carryover;
fan brake horsepower and
static pressure losses.
At least once each year-or more often if the unit is located in a “dirty” environment-clean the coil
using the instructions outlined below. Be sure to follow these instructions as closely as possible
to avoid damaging the coils. To clean refrigerant coils, use a soft brush and a sprayer. Contact your
local Parts Center for appropriate detergents.
Remove enough panels from the unit to gain safe access to coil.
2. Straighten any bent coil fins with a fin comb.
3. Remove loose dirt and debris from both sides of the coil with a soft brush.
4. Mix the detergent with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. If desired, heat the
solution to 150° F maximum to improve its cleansing capability.
5. Pour the cleaning solution into the sprayer.
6. Spray the leaving-airflow side of the coil first; then spray the opposite side of the coil. Allow the
cleaning solution to stand on the coil for five minutes.
Rinse both sides of the coil with cool, clean water.
8. Inspect both sides of the coil; if it still appears to be dirty, repeat Steps 7 and 8.
9. Reinstall all of the components and panels removed in Step 1; then restore power to the unit.
No Step Surface!
Do not walk on the sheet metal base. Walking on the base could cause the supporting metal to
collapse. Failure of the base could result in death or serious injury.