Condensate management problems such as water blow off could be the result of too great of air
face velocity across the coil. To ensure proper operation refer to fan belt adjustment procedures,
p. 51
For SZVAV units, air flow is set by using potentiometer R-136 on the ReliaTel options module (see
Figure 17
found in the air handler control box. The potentiometer will adjust the maximum air flow
between the range of 60 Hz to 44.50 Hz. If the desired maximum operating point from the catalog
fan table is lower than 44.50 Hz, parameter 6-15 on the VFD must be reprogrammed to 50 Hz. The
VFD is preset from the factory to a default of 25 Hz for the lower limit and does not need to be
Measure the voltage between TP1 on the RTOM and ground. Use
Table 14, p. 39
to set the desired
maximum operating supply fan speed.
Figure 17.
ReliaTel Options Module