The Doors page lists up to 100 doors in a page. Paging icons at the bottom of the window enable you to display different pages of
door, and refresh the display. You can also use the search boxes at the top of the window to find a specific door or sort the list by
name, status, zone, etc. All users are allowed access to the Doors page. To configure Doors, see the Doors page description in the
Configuration section.
The Doors Page includes two different
Doors View
- The Doors are displayed in a list format, showing summary information about each Door, including Door Status.
In the content area, open the Layout drop-down list to select one of the following layout formats:
Grid Layout
- The default layout, it shows the Door Name, the In Zone (the Zone that Reader One provides access to), the
Out Zone (the Zone that Reader Two provides access to), and the Door Status icons.
- A layout that shows just the Door Name and the Door Status icons in a condensed format in order to
display the most number of doors in the content area.
Device View
- A layout that shows the Door Name, IP Address, MAC Address, Serial Number, and Door Status icons in a
list format.
Zones View
- The Zones are displayed in a card format, where each Zone lists the names of all Doors that borders that
particular Zone.
4.5.2 Actions (Doors View)
The Doors Page allows for many Actions in the Doors View. They are:
Lock All Doors
- Sends the
Lock Doors
command to all Doors in the system. The Door Status icons will update.
Lock Doors
- Select one or more Doors, then click the
Lock Doors
Action. The selected Doors will lock and the Door Status
icons will update.
Revert to Schedule
- Select one or more Doors and then click the
Revert to Schedule
Action to return those doors to their
normal lock/unlock Schedule. The doors will lock or unlock depending on what is scheduled for that time of day.
Momentary Unlock
- Select one or more Doors and then click the
Momentary Unlock
Action to unlock the door for a few
seconds. The Action is the equivalent of a Request To Exit. The Door will unlock for the same duration that it stays unlocked for
a normal valid credential access condition (typically 4 seconds).
Unlock Doors
- Select one or more Doors, and click the ‘Unlock Doors’ Action to unlock the specified Doors. The Doors will
unlock, and the Door Status icons will change accordingly.